KSTFDT was Found in 1999. Only the best institution offer the best education. KSTFDT school is the only institution that develops its curriculum on the basis of R&D carried out by studying the local and international market requirements. It have close interlink with the local industries &international buyer network & updates its curriculum in-line with the market & industrial developments. If they look around in Pakistan, they find a number of institutions, which are offering certificates, diploma, and degrees in several fields. Acquiring a degree mean the acquisition of the knowledge and necessarily provides tools that are required to excel in a profession. It may also not give necessary training to be successful in real world and actual profession.In KSTFDT, on the other hand, they impart education in such a manner that one shall must get complete control over the profession. It is the only institution in Pakistan that does not produce just simple operations, but make effective managers, true profession and successful entrepreneur.

  • Name : Karachi School of Textile & Fashion Design
  • Established Since : 1993

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