Waheeda Baloch
Waheeda Baloch

Waheeda Bano Baloch is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Art & Design, University of Sindh Jamshoro, who has made significant contributions to the field of art and design. She is pursuing a PhD in the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History at the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany. Waheeda holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, and an M.A. in Curating Art, Law and Management from Stockholm University, Sweden.

Throughout her career, Waheeda has curated numerous exhibitions and shows since 2001, including the 2023 Karachi Art Fest. She has also written several research articles, her expertise and insights have been invaluable, and she has participated in many panels and discussions on various topics related to art and design.

  • Name : Waheeda Baloch
  • Date of Birth : 07-01-1977

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